1 Drummond Street West, Perth, Ontario, K7H3E3
1 Drummond Street West, Perth, Ontario, K7H3E3
God alone is the object of the godly mans worship
Our Statement of Faith

Welcome To Perth Community Church

Perth Community Church is a creedal and confessional church.

We are catholic in the sense that we share much in common with the universal church and its roots in historic, apostolic Christianity. We hold to those truths that are embraced and confessed by all Christians of all denominations and all traditions. As such we are committed to the great Creeds of historic Christianity such as The Apostle’s Creed and The Nicene Creed.

We are evangelical because we embrace the two historic and cardinal doctrines of
the Reformation –

  1. Sola Scriptura – “by Scripture alone” (the authority of Scripture); and
  2. Sola fide – “by faith alone” (justification by faith alone).

We are reformed. By that we mean we embrace those doctrines and confessions that are specific to the Reformed Faith – particularly as they are set out in our subordinate standards of The Westminster Confession of Faith as well as The Westminster Shorter and Larger Catechism. We recognize that just as there are some central and foundational truths of the gospel affirmed by Christians everywhere, so too there are particular understandings of the gospel that define the Presbyterian and Reformed tradition. All Christians must affirm the central mysteries1 of the faith, and all those who are called to ordered ministries in a Presbyterian church must also affirm the essential teachings of the Reformed tradition.

Worship Services

Traditional Worship Service 10:30am
Come as you are Causal Worship Service 1:00pm

Bible Studies

Our Bible Studies:
Basic Biblical Worship,
Come and See: Q&A Night.

Read the full statement of faith

Our Latest Sermons

Serving our Community

Local Mission

God calls for us to serve our local communities. Loving our neighbours as ourselves.

Global Mission

The Great commission calls for us to spread the Gospel to the four corners of the earth.


We use music to help support our fellow non-profit organizations

Serving our Church

It is right to praise and worship God Almighty

Prayer is a critical part of Christian Life.

Christian Education for all ages

Fellowship with our brothers and sisters in Christ

Life group events, for support and guidance

Discipleship so that we grow in the Lord

Upcoming Programs & Events

Church Leadership

From The Church Office